Doza Pick-up MC, Ultra High-End


Premium OMEGA H

Doza Pick-up MC, Ultra High-End

Premiera absoluta
Made in Japan BEST BUY
25,099.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
ZYX - nascuti pentru a se bucura de prezent si viitor, adevarati maestri ai sunetului analog.
Telul ZYX este de a realiza pe deplin potentialul de redare analog, care este singurul mediu
care ne da un semnal axa timp continuu (Z).

Dozele ZYX au un sunet natural ce curge intr-o ambianta sonora tridimensionala de viata,
asemenea unor siruri de diamante si perle.

ZYX insistă asupra coerentei timpului (Z), amplitudinii (Y) si frecventei (X).

Japonezii maestri ai sunetului analog vin in Romania impreuna cu Ianuarie 2015.

The world's first High-speed generation system
Eddy currents which occurs in generation system raises the magnetic impedance in the circuit and affects to the
transient response of the sound signal, and as a result, the reproduced sound is badly deteriorated.
Eddy currents which occur on a pair of opposite pole faces (N pole, S pole) reverse phase each other.
There should be a solution to eliminate such eddy currents.
However, ZYX has discovered that there are two pairs of the eddy currents existing in the magnetic circuit and therefore,
it is necessary to neutralize and eliminate these two pairs of the eddy currents at once.
The “Premium” series cartridges are equipped with a new “Balanced type eddy current elimination mechanism” which we
developed to solve this problem, and succeeded to reproduce an accurate time axis of the sound signal by non-magnetic impedance.

Employment of a new suspension wire
The new material which was not thought about in the past are developed one after another.
One of them is a thin and tough material while being flexible.
The suspension wire of MC cartridge is to hold and position the fulcrum of the rotary vibration of the cantilever, and a hard metal wire
like piano wire has been commonly used conventionally.
Instead of a hard metal wire, we employed in Premium series new optimal material without aging, tough and of superior temperature characteristics.
This brought an improvement in tracking ability and a sense of pitch that soaks into a soul.
As a result, the true analog sound of Premium series was further improved in the sense of reality.

Lapis lazuli Balancing Weight
A spherical object fixed to the front nose of Premium OMEGA is a balancing weight to accord the sweet spot of the cartridge body
and the gravity point of vibration system.
Having checked up materials and repeated audio monitoring, a nonmetal Lapis lazuli ball having hardness 5.0, specific gravity 2.5,
diameter 8mm, and weight about 1 gram is put in at the most appropriate position to form the best cartridge structure.
The Labis Lazuli ball used in OMEGA's other advantage is centroid control.
Due to its composition blended of a few kinds of sodalite having spherical shape, vibrating wave flown from the north pole of the ball
is absorbed in the crystal architecture mingled inside, and vibrating wave running down the ball surface is finally cancelled at the south pole of the ball.

15 items in generator
ZYX only succeeded in development of a MC cartridge which does reproduce original stereo sound with a perfect sound balance between the left and right channel.

2 Layer Laminate Armatures
We made the armature structure have double layers, facing each other with opposite polarity, namely one laminate to face N-polarity
and the other S- forming mutually reversed phase positions in order to short-circuit and simultaneously dissolve both eddy-currents generated in each armature.

K18 Gold Solid Terminals
Maximum quality 18-karat solid gold matches sapphire terminal board and gets rid of sound coloration unlike conventional plated terminals.
Those are apt to create coloration against subtle output signal in micro ampere order due to battery effect between heterogeneous metals.

Sapphire Ternimal Board
This non-metal mineral is hard next to diamond, and has been employed as OMEGA's and DIAMOND's terminal board to lock up
output terminal pins and statically holds the unit against any sorts of extraneous vibrations.


X - Copper

S - Silver

G - Gold

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Technical Specifications
Moving Coil (Dynamic)
"REAL STEREO" Generator System

Output Voltage: 0.48mV (3.54cm/sec, 1kHz)
Frequency Response ±1dB:
10 Hz - 100 kHz
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Channel Separation: > 30dB (1kHz)
Channel Balance: < 0.5dB (1kHz)

Recommended Tracking Force: 2.0 g (20 ゜C - 25 ゜C)
Tracking Force Range: 1.7 g - 2.5 g
Trackablity: > 60μm

EQ Compliance:
horizontal 15 x 10-6cm/dyne
vertical 12 x 10-6cm/dyne
Internal Impedance: 8.0 Ω
Load Impedance: > 100Ω

Coil Wire:
X type - 6N Crystal Copper φ.035mm/CRYO
S type - 5N Silver φ 0.035mm/CRYO
G type - 24 Gold φ0.035mm/CRYO

Cantilever Material: Boron solid φ 0.30mm
Stylus: Micro-Ridge Solid Diamond □ 0.07mm
Contact Radius, Life Time: 3μm x 60μm, 2000Hour/2.0gm
Output Terminals: φ1.25mm, 18 Karat gold plated (EIA)
Terminal Board: Pure Sapphire Plate
Front Sub Weight: Lapis lazuli ball φ8mm, 1.2gm

Weight 6.7g (TB2 attached)

Color: White

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Producator: Produs:
Doza Pick-up MC, Ultra High-End
Produs ZYX
Doza Pick-up MC, Ultra High-End
Premium OMEGA H
Descriere ZYX - nascuti pentru a se bucura de prezent si viitor, adevarati maestri ai sunetului analog.
Telul ZYX este de a realiza pe deplin potentialul de redare analog, care este singurul mediu
care ne da un semnal axa timp continuu (Z).
Specificatii Technical Specifications
Moving Coil (Dynamic)
"REAL STEREO" Generator System

Output Voltage: 0.48mV (3.54cm/sec, 1kHz)
Frequency Response ±1dB:
10 Hz - 100 kHz
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Channel Separation: > 30dB (1kHz)
Channel Balance: < 0.5dB (1kHz)

Recommended Tracking Force: 2.0 g (20 ゜C - 25 ゜C)
Tracking Force Range: 1.7 g - 2.5 g
Trackablity: > 60μm

EQ Compliance:
horizontal 15 x 10-6cm/dyne
vertical 12 x 10-6cm/dyne
Internal Impedance: 8.0 Ω
Load Impedance: > 100Ω

Coil Wire:
X type - 6N Crystal Copper φ.035mm/CRYO
S type - 5N Silver φ 0.035mm/CRYO
G type - 24 Gold φ0.035mm/CRYO

Cantilever Material: Boron solid φ 0.30mm
Stylus: Micro-Ridge Solid Diamond □ 0.07mm
Contact Radius, Life Time: 3μm x 60μm, 2000Hour/2.0gm
Output Terminals: φ1.25mm, 18 Karat gold plated (EIA)
Terminal Board: Pure Sapphire Plate
Front Sub Weight: Lapis lazuli ball φ8mm, 1.2gm

Weight 6.7g (TB2 attached)

Color: White

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Preţ: 25,099.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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