DAC + Portable Headphone Amplifier - BEST BUY



DAC + Portable Headphone Amplifier - BEST BUY

Made in England BEST BUY
2,099.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
GRAHAM SLEE - muzicalitate si calitate la un pret incredibil si dimensiuni miniaturale.
Versatile, usor de utilizat si mai ales "prietenoase" din punct de vedere al matching-ului
cu celelalte componente din sistem (Pick-up, Amplificator sau Casti), produsele
GRAHAM SLEE si-au facut un renume demn de invidiat de-a lungul timpului.

Fabricate exclusiv in UK, manual, au dobandit nenumarate premii de-a lungul timpului,
devenind celebre in egala masura atat Phono Stage-urile cat si Head Amp-urile.

Din 1 Februarie 2017, in Romania, la STEREO PLANET.

Big DAC Sound - In Miniature!
Works with iPhone6 - works with Windows10!
Simply works with just about any USB source!

The palm size "bus-powered" Bitzie hi-fi USB DAC will easily match the sound of much bigger DACs.

It will drive a power amplifier, active loudspeakers, and as a hi-fi USB headphone amp - headphones!
Its source can be an Android device, laptop, desktop etc (and iPhone6!) - which it will instantly recognise
without drivers because it's plug and play.

And at the same time it will convert USB to transformer-driven coax or optical S/PDIF and send to other
devices - it's a hi-fi USB to optical converter and a hi-fi USB to coax converter.

And now with its optional "power wire" (available separately), it can grab its power from other 5V sources
including Virgin Atlantic USB "in-seat power" or a phone charger, as well as being made to sound even better.

Bus Powered or Remote Powered
Bus powered means it gets its power down the USB cable from your device.
It's economical because it only draws one USB unit of power which means it will play longer from your
portable computer or Android phone (e.g. up to 7.5 hours with a Samsung S3).

It can also be remotely powered via the "power-wire" (optional extra) from a 5V USB charger, in your car,
on board the plane, in fact anywhere there is 5V DC on a USB A-socket.
It can also improve the sound further because of not having to share power with your device.

Preamp Or Headphone Amp?
What you see is what you get, and the Bitzie is supplied complete with the gold-plated adaptor above to
give you three different analogue-output connection options.

As a USB preamp for hi-fi digital audio, use the adapter with a twin RCA phono to RCA phono interconnect
hooked up to your power amp or your nearby active speakers for outstanding sound.

Looking for stereo headphone boosters for your portable?
Use the Bitzie as a USB headphone amplifier, use the 3.5 jack or the ¼ jack with your headphones.

Use the full range of the volume control to get the volume you want.
When using high impedance headphones turn it up high - it can go fully clockwise without distorting -
a great hi-fi headphone booster for use with USB sources!

Plug And Play - Real Easy!
From Windows 98 to Windows 10 the Bitzie is plug and play, simple!
Same goes for almost any operating system including MAC and Linux Ubuntu.
The Bitzie will be detected as "new hardware" and your computer will most likely search for drivers.
A driver is not needed, and you can simply cancel the search.

To prove it's there play some music: the easiest way to get playing is to use your file explorer program
(such as Windows Explorer) and locate your music folder, select the tracks you want and right click
"add to media player playlist" - simple!
This will open up your default music player and play the selected music.

You might want to be more adventurous and install a dedicated player such as Foobar (for Windows).
You will have to select 'USB Audio CODEC' in your playback preferences output configuration for it to
play to the Bitzie.

The Bitzie will also receive all the noises your computer makes - which you might want - but if this is
annoying, simply turn-off your computer sounds.

Go to "settings", "control panel", and open "sounds and audio devices".
Select the "sounds" tab and select "no sounds" from the Sound Scheme drop-down menu.
Most operating systems have this or a similar facility.

Hook Up Your Bitzie USB DAC To Your Phone
With an "On The Go" adapter in conjunction with a USB cable, the Bitzie can take digital audio from
almost any up to date Android phone or tablet - making it a great hi-fi USB headphone amplifier.
It has been tested with Samsung S3, S4, S5, S6 and Huawei Ascend/EE Kestrel phones.

If you use an iPhone (including iPhone 6) or iPad you'll need the "lightning adapter" in conjunction
with a USB cable (most models are compatible).

The Bitzie works straight out of the box with so many devices - you're bound to have one or more it works with.

It's a hi-fi USB to S/PDIF converter!
Even whilst playing to headphones or outputting analogue to another item, the Bitzie is always ready
to convert USB to S/PDIF.

When powered up (connected to bus power or other 5VDC source) take a look round the back and
you'll see a red glow around the optical connector shutter.
Simply plug in an optical cable and connect it to a S/PDIF "toslink" input and you're playing.
Hook the Bitzie up by coax cable and it's just the same - and because it's transformer isolated you
won't get any noise loop issues.

The Bitzie makes a great interface when you want to send digital audio to a DAC in another room.
Using optical you can output USB to the Bitzie on a short USB cable, and then run as long an optical
cable as you want and not suffer data loss.

And in tests the Bitzie has driven 6 metres of coax without a hicup.

Get The Power Wire Bitzie Bundle
Made long enough but not too long (0.8m per leg), the power wire is three-ended.
Both parts are attached to the device A-plug where data is connected but power isn't.
Power loops back out to a second USB A-plug - connect this to your 5VDC source.
Connect the remaining USB B plug to your Bitzie, and you've now got a DAC with "its own" power supply.
Get it the wrong way round and it doesn't cause any damage - it will just wait in silence for you to swap over connections.


"The Bitzie has an appreciable & supreme overall build quality with perfect workmanship.
The outer case is made up of aluminium, and is polished & brush finished; volume knob is rubberized,
and has a grippy feel to it.
The Bitzie is powered solely off the 5V USB line.
This makes it also to work straight off an android smartphones, which is a definite advantage for travellers.
Lows are strong and fairly accurate and go very deep.
Full bodied bass with a ‘punch’.
Mids sound clear, slightly intimate & with a touch of ‘valvey-ness’ if I must say.
Highs are clean, airy, just right amount of sparkle to keep the music alive.
Soundstage in Bitzie is very good, and realistic and to some extent, slightly lacking in width.
Depth is very good.
The Bitzie has a fully circular imaging, but gives out comparatively more depth and lesser width in sound stage.
Detail retrieval, and dynamics are excellent, way further than any USb powered DAC/Amp I have ever heard.
Overall the sonic presentation is very pleasing.
Absolutely zero audible hiss/noise, and zero EMI pickup & pops.
I can recommend the Bitzie for any music enthusiast who wants a compact portable USB amp/dac with high
performance aspect.
Bitzie is truly like a swiss army knife: very handy unit that fits in pocket & is very well performing.
Its workmanship is of high standards, and thus very reliable & robust in operation."
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