Phono Stage MC High-End


Lukaschek PP1

Phono Stage MC High-End

Unic distribuitor Premiera absoluta
BEST BUY Swiss Made
7,999.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
BENZ-MICRO - faimosul brand elvetian producator de doze, soseste in Romania, OFICIAL in
PREMIERA ABSOLUTA si in EXCLUSIVITATE alaturi de STEREO PLANET incepand cu 1 Iunie 2012.

Considerat in primii 2 jucatori mondiali alaturi de ORTOFON, BENZ-MICRO este beneficiarul
unei reputatii de invidiat.
Cunoscut pentru rigurozitatea extrema cu care-si selecteaza Distribuitorii cu care doreste sa
lucreze in fiecare tara a lumii, BENZ-MICRO a ales sa lucreze cu STEREO PLANET in Romania si sa
vina astfel in sprijinul imediat al iubitorilor de muzica si pick-uri in general printr-o gama completa
de produse, prezente si pe stoc.

Producand manual fiecare doza in parte, cu o mare atentie si precizie, BENZ-MICRO nu numai
ca-si uimeste cumparatorii cu fiecare produs in parte dar ofera si un sunet detaliat, special si
transparent in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.

The small size of the PP-1 allows close placement to the turntable, minimizing signal leads from the tonearm.
The whole power supply is inboard the PP-1 chassis except for an external power transformer,
which is outboard to eliminate magnetic field interaction.
The miniature size also allows all circuit components to be very close to one another.
This significantly reduces circuit board traces, which could introduce noise and sonic degradation.
The PP-1 is optimized for moving coil amplification, thus does not provide switches and/or jumpers
for gain setting or resistive loading.
This elimination of unneeded circuit junction points preserves the low noise/high performance
characteristics of this superb phono preamp.

By using only two transistors in each amplifier stage, perfect stability and extreme fast
transient response is achieved.
This provides the high degree of transparency and accuracy of the PP-1.
High quality double-sided glass epoxy circuit boards with carefully designed topology (CAD)
have been applied in order to ensure shortest possible signal paths.
Low-noise, matched bipolar transistors were selected for this purpose.
All resistors are high quality metal film with 1% tolerance.
Within the RIAA network, only 1% polystyrene capacitors have been used, with high quality
metalized plastic-film capacitors in the coupling function.

Each channel of the input amplifier stage works around a phase non-inverting two-stage
negative feedback amplifier.
Available gain is set at 40dB and the upper frequency limit has been set at 650kHz/-3dB.
Input impedance has been set at 22k ohm in order to eliminate interconnect cable and
phono connector influence on the sound quality.
A 10Hz sub-sonic filter has been incorporated between the input stage and the RIAA equalizer.

As with the input amplifier, RIAA equalization has been achieved through an inverting
two-stage amplifier of ultra high accuracy (+0/-.5dB within the RIAA standard).
Available gain is 22dB/1kHz and it has an extended high frequency roll-off.
This section of the PP-1 connects directly to the output of the unit.
Total gain of the PP-1 is 62dB, ideal for cartridges with output as low as .2mV.

In his latest revision of the PP-1, Albert Lukaschek has redesigned the regulation circuitry of
the unit's power supply, bringing across-the-board improvements in the areas of clarity, focus,
and bass control.
Integrated circuits are now employed only in the pre-regulator, which provides a constant
25 volts to the independent regulators for each gain stage, which are now implemented with
fully discrete transistor regulators.

Technical Specifications
RIAA equalization: +/- 0.5dB
Integrated rumble filter: 10Hz (-1dB at 20Hz)
Gain at 1kHz: 1280 (62dB)
Crosstalk: below measuring range
Signal/noise ratio (0.5mV 0 ohm): 82dB (IHF “A”)
Maximum input voltage: 5mV (1kHz)
Input Impedance: 22k ohms

Color: silver
BENZ-MICRO - faimosul brand elvetian producator de doze, soseste in Romania, OFICIAL in
PREMIERA ABSOLUTA si in EXCLUSIVITATE alaturi de STEREO PLANET incepand cu 1 Iunie 2012.

Considerat in primii 2 jucatori mondiali alaturi de ORTOFON, BENZ-MICRO este beneficiarul
unei reputatii de invidiat.
Cunoscut pentru rigurozitatea extrema cu care-si selecteaza Distribuitorii cu care doreste sa
lucreze in fiecare tara a lumii, BENZ-MICRO a ales sa lucreze cu STEREO PLANET in Romania si sa
vina astfel in sprijinul imediat al iubitorilor de muzica si pick-uri in general printr-o gama completa
de produse, prezente si pe stoc.

Producand manual fiecare doza in parte, cu o mare atentie si precizie, BENZ-MICRO nu numai
ca-si uimeste cumparatorii cu fiecare produs in parte dar ofera si un sunet detaliat, special si
transparent in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.

The small size of the PP-1 allows close placement to the turntable, minimizing signal leads from the tonearm.
The whole power supply is inboard the PP-1 chassis except for an external power transformer,
which is outboard to eliminate magnetic field interaction.
The miniature size also allows all circuit components to be very close to one another.
This significantly reduces circuit board traces, which could introduce noise and sonic degradation.
The PP-1 is optimized for moving coil amplification, thus does not provide switches and/or jumpers
for gain setting or resistive loading.
This elimination of unneeded circuit junction points preserves the low noise/high performance
characteristics of this superb phono preamp.

By using only two transistors in each amplifier stage, perfect stability and extreme fast
transient response is achieved.
This provides the high degree of transparency and accuracy of the PP-1.
High quality double-sided glass epoxy circuit boards with carefully designed topology (CAD)
have been applied in order to ensure shortest possible signal paths.
Low-noise, matched bipolar transistors were selected for this purpose.
All resistors are high quality metal film with 1% tolerance.
Within the RIAA network, only 1% polystyrene capacitors have been used, with high quality
metalized plastic-film capacitors in the coupling function.

Each channel of the input amplifier stage works around a phase non-inverting two-stage
negative feedback amplifier.
Available gain is set at 40dB and the upper frequency limit has been set at 650kHz/-3dB.
Input impedance has been set at 22k ohm in order to eliminate interconnect cable and
phono connector influence on the sound quality.
A 10Hz sub-sonic filter has been incorporated between the input stage and the RIAA equalizer.

As with the input amplifier, RIAA equalization has been achieved through an inverting
two-stage amplifier of ultra high accuracy (+0/-.5dB within the RIAA standard).
Available gain is 22dB/1kHz and it has an extended high frequency roll-off.
This section of the PP-1 connects directly to the output of the unit.
Total gain of the PP-1 is 62dB, ideal for cartridges with output as low as .2mV.

In his latest revision of the PP-1, Albert Lukaschek has redesigned the regulation circuitry of
the unit's power supply, bringing across-the-board improvements in the areas of clarity, focus,
and bass control.
Integrated circuits are now employed only in the pre-regulator, which provides a constant
25 volts to the independent regulators for each gain stage, which are now implemented with
fully discrete transistor regulators.

Technical Specifications
RIAA equalization: +/- 0.5dB
Integrated rumble filter: 10Hz (-1dB at 20Hz)
Gain at 1kHz: 1280 (62dB)
Crosstalk: below measuring range
Signal/noise ratio (0.5mV 0 ohm): 82dB (IHF “A”)
Maximum input voltage: 5mV (1kHz)
Input Impedance: 22k ohms

Color: silver
Producator: Produs:
Phono Stage MC High-End
Phono Stage MC High-End
Lukaschek PP1
Descriere BENZ-MICRO - faimosul brand elvetian producator de doze, soseste in Romania, OFICIAL in
PREMIERA ABSOLUTA si in EXCLUSIVITATE alaturi de STEREO PLANET incepand cu 1 Iunie 2012.

Considerat in primii 2 jucatori mondiali alaturi de ORTOFON, BENZ-MICRO este beneficiarul
unei reputatii de invidiat.
Specificatii BENZ-MICRO - faimosul brand elvetian producator de doze, soseste in Romania, OFICIAL in
PREMIERA ABSOLUTA si in EXCLUSIVITATE alaturi de STEREO PLANET incepand cu 1 Iunie 2012.

Considerat in primii 2 jucatori mondiali alaturi de ORTOFON, BENZ-MICRO este beneficiarul
unei reputatii de invidiat.
Cunoscut pentru rigurozitatea extrema cu care-si selecteaza Distribuitorii cu care doreste sa
lucreze in fiecare tara a lumii, BENZ-MICRO a ales sa lucreze cu STEREO PLANET in Romania si sa
vina astfel in sprijinul imediat al iubitorilor de muzica si pick-uri in general printr-o gama completa
de produse, prezente si pe stoc.

Producand manual fiecare doza in parte, cu o mare atentie si precizie, BENZ-MICRO nu numai
ca-si uimeste cumparatorii cu fiecare produs in parte dar ofera si un sunet detaliat, special si
transparent in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.

The small size of the PP-1 allows close placement to the turntable, minimizing signal leads from the tonearm.
The whole power supply is inboard the PP-1 chassis except for an external power transformer,
which is outboard to eliminate magnetic field interaction.
The miniature size also allows all circuit components to be very close to one another.
This significantly reduces circuit board traces, which could introduce noise and sonic degradation.
The PP-1 is optimized for moving coil amplification, thus does not provide switches and/or jumpers
for gain setting or resistive loading.
This elimination of unneeded circuit junction points preserves the low noise/high performance
characteristics of this superb phono preamp.

By using only two transistors in each amplifier stage, perfect stability and extreme fast
transient response is achieved.
This provides the high degree of transparency and accuracy of the PP-1.
High quality double-sided glass epoxy circuit boards with carefully designed topology (CAD)
have been applied in order to ensure shortest possible signal paths.
Low-noise, matched bipolar transistors were selected for this purpose.
All resistors are high quality metal film with 1% tolerance.
Within the RIAA network, only 1% polystyrene capacitors have been used, with high quality
metalized plastic-film capacitors in the coupling function.

Each channel of the input amplifier stage works around a phase non-inverting two-stage
negative feedback amplifier.
Available gain is set at 40dB and the upper frequency limit has been set at 650kHz/-3dB.
Input impedance has been set at 22k ohm in order to eliminate interconnect cable and
phono connector influence on the sound quality.
A 10Hz sub-sonic filter has been incorporated between the input stage and the RIAA equalizer.

As with the input amplifier, RIAA equalization has been achieved through an inverting
two-stage amplifier of ultra high accuracy (+0/-.5dB within the RIAA standard).
Available gain is 22dB/1kHz and it has an extended high frequency roll-off.
This section of the PP-1 connects directly to the output of the unit.
Total gain of the PP-1 is 62dB, ideal for cartridges with output as low as .2mV.

In his latest revision of the PP-1, Albert Lukaschek has redesigned the regulation circuitry of
the unit's power supply, bringing across-the-board improvements in the areas of clarity, focus,
and bass control.
Integrated circuits are now employed only in the pre-regulator, which provides a constant
25 volts to the independent regulators for each gain stage, which are now implemented with
fully discrete transistor regulators.

Technical Specifications
RIAA equalization: +/- 0.5dB
Integrated rumble filter: 10Hz (-1dB at 20Hz)
Gain at 1kHz: 1280 (62dB)
Crosstalk: below measuring range
Signal/noise ratio (0.5mV 0 ohm): 82dB (IHF “A”)
Maximum input voltage: 5mV (1kHz)
Input Impedance: 22k ohms

Color: silver
Preţ: 7,999.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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71 (0.147)
FROM url_alias
WHERE `query` = 'product_id=9387'
72 (0.098)
FROM extension
WHERE `type` = 'total'
73 (0.081)
SELECT SUM(amount) AS total
FROM customer_transaction
WHERE customer_id = '0'