Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA - Editie Limitata (Piesa de Colectie)


SPU 95th Anniversary

Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA - Editie Limitata (Piesa de Colectie)

Unic distribuitor Premiera absoluta
Made in Denmark BEST BUY
19,999.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
Celebrul si mult asteptatul fabricant de doze ORTOFON, Nr. 1 Mondial, ajunge in Romania,
oficial, incepand cu 1 Iunie 2011, in EXCLUSIVITATE la STEREO PLANET - asa cum v-ati obisnuit deja.

Incepand cu 1948, cand prima doza Moving Coil a iesit pe piata, ORTOFON a inceput sa
scrie istorie si sa-si scrie propria istorie de succes care dureaza si in prezent.
Cu o gama absolut impresionanta, atat numeric (vasta) cat si, mai ales calitativ, se adreseaza
practic oricarui tip de utilizator, de la segmentul entry - level pana la segmentul high-end si
ultra high-end.

Bucurati-va, impreuna cu noi, de ORTOFON!

The new Ortofon’s SPU A95 represents the highest echelon of SPU cartridges

SPU A95 in box visible signOrtofon is proud to present the SPU A95 – a state of the art product
representative of numerous Ortofon design elements and ideals - to celebrate Ortofonʼs 95 years
of masterful analog research and technology.

Since the advent of moving coil technology, the SPU series cartridges have always remained near
and dear to both those looking for the most musical and refined sound quality, as well as those looking
to recapture the essence of authenticity in a nod to some of the best audio components of all time.
With the SPU A95, the bar is raised for both its modern and vintage counterparts.

The new Ortofon SPU A95 has gone to the next level by reducing unwanted vibrations in the cartridge.
Our extensive knowledge of vibration properties, characteristics in different shapes and materials,
competences in magnetism, mechanical design and new technologies has been applied for optimization of the SPU A95.

Magnet system and Damping
SPU 95th bottom viewMuch like Robert Gudmandsenʼs revolutionary ideas which originally brought the
SPU cartridges to market in the 1960s, endless research and conceptual design has been placed into
SPU 90th Anniversary and developed further in this very special SPU A95 model.

The SPU A95 is built with the magnetic system applied in the predecessor SPU 90th Anniversary.
This cartridge retains all of the characteristics that put its brethren in a class of their own, while at the same
time expounding upon its strengths to provide reproduction of sound that is unsurpassed in its neutrality,
detail, and dynamic range.

Another special feature is the inclusion of the renowned Field Stabilizing Element (FSE) system, which consists
of a small cylinder of conductive material placed strategically inside of the magnetic system.
FSE guarantees that the force field within the system will remain stable at all times regardless of the
movement of the armature.
This technology was first introduced in the acclaimed Kontrapunkt series and later applied in the
SPU 90th Anniversary, MC A90, Cadenza Bronze & Cadenza Black and in the present top line cartridges
the MC Windfeld and Ortofon Xpression.
What this means in practical application is that not only will FSE minimize dynamic and intermodulation
distortion, but it also will allow for greater dynamics, absolute clarity, and depth of sound for truly awe inspiring sonic performance.

Benefits of high-end materials and advancements in technology
The mechanical structure of the SPU A95 cartridge has also been re-engineered, as well as many
of its internal assemblies.
At the mechanical heart lies a revolutionary customized SLM (Selective Laser Melting) manufacturing procedure.
The use of Titanium in SPU A95 has provided a further improvement to the internal damping capabilities
as well as to the overall rigidity of the structure.

Considered an engineering breakthrough, the Selective Laser Melting process welds fine particles of
Titanium together, layer-by-layer, to construct a single piece body devoid of extraneous material.
This technique allows for precise control of the density of the body material, allowing for extremely high internal damping.

The final result provides a controlled reduction of the vibrations within the cartridge body material.
A CT-scan of the frame structure ensures the highest degree of uniformity and quality.

A Nude Elliptical diamond stylus graces the aluminum cantilever, representative of the legacy created
by SPUs past, along with a black painted, grinded wood body.

Also adding to the sonic performance of the SPU A95 is nothing but the best internal coil wiring,
comprised of silver plated ultra high purity (6NX) copper wire, to ensure that each and every movement
of the stylus is captured faithfully without loss.
The internal terminal wiring is made of ultra high purity (6NX) silver wire, with gold plated terminal connectors.

The SPU A95 cartridge may have been recreated from the paradigms, concepts, and techniques
of the original, but its performance takes one step further to further its capabilities and technical excellence.

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec.: 0.3 mV
Channel balance at 1 kHz: 1 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz: 23 dB
Channel separation at 15 kHz: 15 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB: 20-30.000 Hz
Frequency response: 20-20.000 Hz +/- 2 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force: 70 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral: 9 µm/mN
Stylus type: Nude Elliptical
Stylus tip radius: r/R 8/18 µm
Tracking force range: 2,5-3,5g (25-35 mN)
Tracking force, recommended: 3,0 g (30 mN)
Tracking angle: 20°
Internal impedance, DC resistance: 2 Ohm
Recommended load impedance: > 10 - 50 Ohm
Coilwire material: Silverplated Copper

Cartridge body material: Wooden powder
Frame structure: Titanium

Weight: 28 g

Color, body/stylus: Shiny Black

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Producator: Produs:
Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA - Editie Limitata (Piesa de Colectie)
Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA - Editie Limitata (Piesa de Colectie)
SPU 95th Anniversary
Descriere Celebrul si mult asteptatul fabricant de doze ORTOFON, Nr. 1 Mondial, ajunge in Romania,
oficial, incepand cu 1 Iunie 2011, in EXCLUSIVITATE la STEREO PLANET - asa cum v-ati obisnuit deja.
Specificatii Specifications
Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec.: 0.3 mV
Channel balance at 1 kHz: 1 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz: 23 dB
Channel separation at 15 kHz: 15 dB
Frequency range at - 3dB: 20-30.000 Hz
Frequency response: 20-20.000 Hz +/- 2 dB
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force: 70 µm
Compliance, dynamic, lateral: 9 µm/mN
Stylus type: Nude Elliptical
Stylus tip radius: r/R 8/18 µm
Tracking force range: 2,5-3,5g (25-35 mN)
Tracking force, recommended: 3,0 g (30 mN)
Tracking angle: 20°
Internal impedance, DC resistance: 2 Ohm
Recommended load impedance: > 10 - 50 Ohm
Coilwire material: Silverplated Copper

Cartridge body material: Wooden powder
Frame structure: Titanium

Weight: 28 g

Color, body/stylus: Shiny Black

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Preţ: 19,999.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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