Power Conditioner Ultra High-End (Power Cord PowerSync ULTRA Inclus), 12 prize



Power Conditioner Ultra High-End (Power Cord PowerSync ULTRA Inclus), 12 prize

54,999.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
GIGAWATT - Absolutul filtrarii curentului High-End Audio.

Fara rival, Gigantul Polonez spulbera orice scoala Americana, Europeana sau Japoneaza
in domeniu.

Sunete conforme cu o reprezentatie live, dinamica neatinsa, ba chiar imbunatatita datorita
tehnologiei inovatoare.

Distrugerea dinamicii si compresia sunetelor si a muzicii implicit, specifica "marilor" producatori
de power conditioner, este istorie cand conectati sistemul audio la GIGAWATT.
Surpriza se mareste pe masura ce ascultati muzica favorita, descoperind noi sunete,
noi detalii, totul cu o fluiditate nebanuita pana in acel moment.

Naturalete si muzicalitate.

In Romania din 1 Februarie 2022, GIGAWATT se alatura familiei STEREO PLANET.


GIGAWATT PC-4 EVO+ is the flagship power conditioner model and regarded as one of the best and
most advanced constructions of the world.

This is a reference device, designed to provide power High-End class audio and video devices.
PC-4 EVO+ is the quintessence of many years of research and development of an uncompromised
power conditioner.
The PC-4 EVO+ is not only a very effective protection against interference and power surges coming
from the power line, but it guarantees a significant improvement of the quality of sound and displayed
picture of the devices connected to it.

All internal elements of the conditioner were enclosed in an ultra-rigid, non-magnetic aluminum chassis.

To reduce the vibration passed onto the conditioner, its chassis was additionally damped with composite
bitumen-polymer mat.

The whole is suspended on reference, anti-vibration feet equipped with an innovative solution -
Rolling-Ball Isolation System.
This is a design made from two parts (external and internal) made from solid aluminum, with two runs with
balls in-between them.
The role of the system is to minimize the amount of contact points between the foot, and then the conditioner,
with the shelf it is put on, what translates into a significant reduction of mechanical vibration, which negatively
impact the work of the internal elements of the conditioner degrading its sound.
Another isolation element, on which the whole construction is supported, is the proprietary elastomer, 5mm thick.

The front panel of the conditioner is made from a thick slab of aviation grade aluminum.
Its surfaced is brushed, after precision milling, and then anodized black or silver.

The PC-4 EVO+ has twelve, high quality proprietary power sockets GigaWatt, with large surface contacts.
The brass contacts of the sockets were subdued to the process of technical silver plating without usage of
intermediate metals, like copper or nickel, which could introduce an unfavorable serial resistance and a voltage loss.
The increased surface of the contacts and the thick layer of silver guarantee good contact with the plug pins.
The sockets were additionally cryogenically modified and de-magnetized.

In the central part of the front, there is an LED display indicating the voltage of the input current.
The precise voltmeter is very resistant to distortion and measurement errors caused by upper harmonics,
at the same time not generating any interference, which would impair the quality of the power filtered by the conditioner.

The voltmeter display is red as standard, but is available in green, blue or white on demand.

The conditioner is also equipped with an additional circuit signaling wrong connection to the power grid.
Its action is indicated by a red LED on the back of the unit, which signals wrong polarity of the device or faulty grounding.

The conditioner PC-4 EVO+ is equipped with three, independent filtering branches, which supply three sections,
composed of four output sockets each.
Due to this solution the kind of filtering was adjusted for the load it has, different for each type of devices - digital, analog
or high current devices.
Autonomous passive filters allow for isolation from interference produced by the devices connected together via a shared power line.

The PC-4 EVO+ is based on a novel filtering architecture, where the most advanced and uncompromised components were used.
The main novelty are the anti-interference capacitors and the compensation batteries for the buffering circuits, which are
manufactured by the company Miflex, according to GigaWatt specification.

In the PC-4 EVO+ an innovative, two-stage current distribution system is used, a proprietary design of our company.
It is based on massive third generation distribution rails, made from polished slabs of oxygen-free copper
OFHCC 10100 with 99.997% purity.
The first stage allows for lossless and even distribution of voltage to each of the filtering branches.
The second stage provides current directly to each pair of output sockets via bolted and clamped connections as well
as cabling with conductors with 4QMM cross-section made from oxygen-free copper isolated with FEP Teflon.
The star connection topology and high conductance combined with the 45 QMM cross-section of each of the rails allow
for an uniform and stable power distribution regardless of the load on the individual outputs of the conditioner.

Due to the improved efficiency of the filtering circuits, they were mounted using silver solder on massive PCBs having
fifteen times the amount of copper compared to standard PCBs.
The dual layer PCBs have very wide traces made from silver plated copper, with a combined thickness of 550 micrometers.
The interference is damped by filtering blocs of RLC type, built around proprietary Audio Grade capacitors and HF (High Flux) core filters.

The newest version of the PC-4 EVO+ is equipped with special capacitors - with higher capacity and more efficient than
in the lower models.
Those capacitors are manufactured by a renowned and valued company on the specialist market, Miflex, according to
GigaWatt specifications.

In the conditioner there are no traditional protective elements, like thermal or blow fuses, which throttled the free flow of
the current have a negative influence on the sound.
The surge protection of the conditioner is provided by the starting block, which utilizes plasma spark-gaps, UltraMOV
new generation varistors and an initial filter.
Overload protection is provided by a two-pole hydraulic-magnetic switch from Carling Technologies, made in USA
to a special specification from GigaWatt.
This element controls the amount of current flowing through the internal circuits and additionally serves as the unit’s
main power switch.
All those elements working together with a well-made, contemporary power grid, guarantee a complex protection
against surges and overcurrent.

The internal construction of the elements of the PC-4 EVO+ conditioner allow for transferring loads up to 25A constantly
(and 90A peak), of course, if the power grid can handle that.
Such big reserve is not required for the lossless power transfer from the power grid, but to have a oversized reserve of
power for peak, impulse loads.
Power reserve is fundamental for powering powerful power amplifiers, which load the power line to values many times
over the nominal load.
The main power supply socket is a professional PowerCon 32 Amp one with silver plated pins, able to transfer stable
current of 32A.
The maximum load of 25A is almost three times the typical load of similar devices using the popular IEC socket.

To allow for the maximum impulse response, the PC-4 EVO+ is equipped with a double buffer circuit with Audio Grade
compensation batteries, a proprietary design.
The circuit increases the current output with non-linear loads, like power amplifiers, as well as eliminates the difference
of power between the input and output of the conditioner.
This allows for almost unlimited impulse capabilities, unheard of in other passive conditioners and not reachable for
active conditioners.
The impulse capabilities of the PC-4 EVO+ surpass even the values of clean power line without any devices connected to it.

The standard equipment of PC-4EVO+ is also DC Offset Blocker - a circuit eliminating unwanted DC component of the power grid.
This DC component is a very deteriorating phenomenon, which exists in almost all power grids. It results in the sinus wave of the
alternating current become non-symmetrical (non-sinusoidal) and has negative impact on all devices using transformers.
It causes their cores to become magnetized, what increases their noise, diminishes the efficiency of power supplies and lower
sound quality as a result of those.
The DC blocker allows to eliminate this phenomenon effectively, without causing any compression or any other negative influence
on the sound.
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