High-End Headphones, REFERINTA - BEST BUY



High-End Headphones, REFERINTA - BEST BUY

Unic distribuitor Premiera absoluta
Made in U.S.A. BEST BUY
3,099.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
GRADO, unul dintre cele mai celebre si ravnite brand-uri din lume, este prezent acum si in Romania,
in PREMIERA ABSOLUTA, datorita parteneriatului exclusiv cu STEREO PLANET.
Considerat unul dintre cei mai buni producatori mondiali de doze, de catre specialistii si revistele din
domeniu, GRADO va intra cu siguranta in sufletul Dvs. imediat ce veti avea placerea sa utilizati produsele sale.

Most people like music, but Grado PS500e headphones are too good for most people.
We make them for music connoisseurs.
For the ones who anticipate Amy Winehouse’s breath between lyrics.
For the ones who absolutely need to place the second violin with their eyes closed.
If you get chills from a Cuban trombone solo, we need to talk.

The PS500e is the younger brother to the PS1000e, with newly redesigned 44mm speaker and the
improved 8 conductor cable design anda smaller metal and wood hybrid air chamber.
Both the hidden mahogany core and and powder-coated aluminum housing parts under-go damping treatments
that help control and dissipate resonances, for an undistorted flow of the musical signal.
The PS500e boasts an overall sound that is pure Grado, with warm harmonic colors, rich full bodied vocals,
excellent dynamics, and an ultra-smooth top end.
The PS500e is a compact monitoring tool that will put a smile on the face of the most demanding music
professionals, as well as the most demanding audiophiles.

"There is art in the heart and soul of every Grado product.
The PS500 truly conveys the heart and soul of every musical performance you will listen to through them.
This is the result of the art learned over the course of almost 60 years of designing and manufacturing
products that faithfully follows music.
A compact monitoring tool that will put a smile on the face of the most demanding music professionals
as well of demanding audiophiles.

Happy Listening,
John Grado"


"In the category of musical neutrality for the picky audiophile and the demanding recording engineer,
the PS500s are unsurpassed at this price point."
Robert H. Levi / Positive Feedback

"I like a lot of headphones.
I love the Grado PS500.
It makes music sound right."
Dale / Headfonics

"Well, the sound is magnificent.
Clarity, definition and focus are outstanding, the low end is tight and right and the highs don't fatigue
or make you blink with pain.
At any level they speak clearly and with authority.
I was pretty impressed, pretty fast."
George Walker Petit / Sonicscoop

"As an audiophile friend of mine said when he heard the PS500s compared to a mountain of other cans,
'these are great headphones'.
Yes, my friends, the PS500s are great headphones, and most highly recommended."
Robert H. Levi / Positive Feedback

"I have quite a variety of music tracks in Jazz, Classics, Opera, Rock, Blues, Country and other genres,
and I've been running through the list for days to see what the PS500 isn't a good match for.
So far everything sounds good. Better than good, actually everything sounds alive."
Dale / Headfonics

"I took my pair out to a recording session in LA and asked the entire band and the assistant engineers to try them.
They were ALL blown away, and then I took the PS500's to a jazz session in NYC and asked the
acoustic bassist, Phil Palombi, to give them a go.
He wants a pair."
George Walker Petit / Sonicscoop
Vented diaphragm
Hybrid air chamber
UHPLC copper voice coil wire
UHPLC copper connecting cord

Tranducer type: dynamic
Operating principle: open air
Frequency Response: 14Hz - 29kHz
SPL 1mW: 99.8
Normal Impedance: 32 ohms
Driver matched: .05 dB

Color: silver with black

Included Accessories:
Headphones, Grado story-sheet, 6.5mm Golden Adapter


"In the category of musical neutrality for the picky audiophile and the demanding recording engineer,
the PS500s are unsurpassed at this price point."
Robert H. Levi / Positive Feedback

"I like a lot of headphones.
I love the Grado PS500.
It makes music sound right."
Dale / Headfonics

"Well, the sound is magnificent.
Clarity, definition and focus are outstanding, the low end is tight and right and the highs don't fatigue
or make you blink with pain.
At any level they speak clearly and with authority.
I was pretty impressed, pretty fast."
George Walker Petit / Sonicscoop

"As an audiophile friend of mine said when he heard the PS500s compared to a mountain of other cans,
'these are great headphones'.
Yes, my friends, the PS500s are great headphones, and most highly recommended."
Robert H. Levi / Positive Feedback

"I have quite a variety of music tracks in Jazz, Classics, Opera, Rock, Blues, Country and other genres,
and I've been running through the list for days to see what the PS500 isn't a good match for.
So far everything sounds good. Better than good, actually everything sounds alive."
Dale / Headfonics

"I took my pair out to a recording session in LA and asked the entire band and the assistant engineers to try them.
They were ALL blown away, and then I took the PS500's to a jazz session in NYC and asked the
acoustic bassist, Phil Palombi, to give them a go.
He wants a pair."
George Walker Petit / Sonicscoop
Producator: Produs:
High-End Headphones, REFERINTA - BEST BUY
Produs GRADO
High-End Headphones, REFERINTA - BEST BUY
Descriere GRADO, unul dintre cele mai celebre si ravnite brand-uri din lume, este prezent acum si in Romania,
in PREMIERA ABSOLUTA, datorita parteneriatului exclusiv cu STEREO PLANET.
Considerat unul dintre cei mai buni producatori mondiali de doze, de catre specialistii si revistele din
domeniu, GRADO va intra cu siguranta in sufletul Dvs.
Specificatii Features:
Vented diaphragm
Hybrid air chamber
UHPLC copper voice coil wire
UHPLC copper connecting cord

Tranducer type: dynamic
Operating principle: open air
Frequency Response: 14Hz - 29kHz
SPL 1mW: 99.8
Normal Impedance: 32 ohms
Driver matched: .05 dB

Color: silver with black

Included Accessories:
Headphones, Grado story-sheet, 6.5mm Golden Adapter


"In the category of musical neutrality for the picky audiophile and the demanding recording engineer,
the PS500s are unsurpassed at this price point."
Robert H. Levi / Positive Feedback

"I like a lot of headphones.
I love the Grado PS500.
It makes music sound right."
Dale / Headfonics

"Well, the sound is magnificent.
Clarity, definition and focus are outstanding, the low end is tight and right and the highs don't fatigue
or make you blink with pain.
At any level they speak clearly and with authority.
I was pretty impressed, pretty fast."
George Walker Petit / Sonicscoop

"As an audiophile friend of mine said when he heard the PS500s compared to a mountain of other cans,
'these are great headphones'.
Yes, my friends, the PS500s are great headphones, and most highly recommended."
Robert H. Levi / Positive Feedback

"I have quite a variety of music tracks in Jazz, Classics, Opera, Rock, Blues, Country and other genres,
and I've been running through the list for days to see what the PS500 isn't a good match for.
So far everything sounds good. Better than good, actually everything sounds alive."
Dale / Headfonics

"I took my pair out to a recording session in LA and asked the entire band and the assistant engineers to try them.
They were ALL blown away, and then I took the PS500's to a jazz session in NYC and asked the
acoustic bassist, Phil Palombi, to give them a go.
He wants a pair."
George Walker Petit / Sonicscoop
Preţ: 3,099.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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