Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA


The Statement2

Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA

Unic distribuitor Premiera absoluta
Made in U.S.A. BEST BUY
14,999.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
GRADO, unul dintre cele mai celebre si ravnite brand-uri din lume, este prezent acum si in Romania,
in PREMIERA ABSOLUTA, datorita parteneriatului exclusiv cu STEREO PLANET.
Considerat unul dintre cei mai buni producatori mondiali de doze, de catre specialistii si revistele din
domeniu, GRADO va intra cu siguranta in sufletul Dvs. imediat ce veti avea placerea sa utilizati produsele sale.


"Without question, this is the finest moving iron design I have ever heard!"
"The Statement consistently did a fine job of reproducing detail, and it was able to do so during both loud and complex passages."
"Sounds were located precisely within the soundstage and stayed in place with neither wander of placement, nor diffusion of image.
The overall character was both open and airy."
"The nuance of how a string was plucked or bowed was readily obvious.
The lower frequencies enriched the sound with a sense of space, and provided the forceful drive to the pace of the musical Statement."
"What truly impressed me was the recreation of the harp: with all to many cartridges, it either loses its identify or is lost almost entirely.
The Statement did a great job in bringing it out, thanks to its clarity and resolution of detail."
Ultimate Audio / Jack English Vol.4, No.1

"I have stayed until the wee hours of the night using two state of the at systems and in every case LP reproduction was an unqualified joy."
Silvio Fernandez / Audio Consultant

"Listening to my Grado Statement cartridge through the PH-1 is like listening to a live performance, it puts you right there."
Mark Rivera / Saxophonist with the Billy Joel Band

"The texture, detail and accuracy of the Statement exceed my wildest dreams. I can hear significant differences in bass control. Mids are sooo sweet and the highs are magnificently delivered with timbre and transparency like no other has ever delivered."
Todd Green / The Vinyl Junkie

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Technical Specifications
Frequency Response: 8 - 70
Principal: MI
Channel Separation at 1KHz: 45 dB
Imput Load: 47K
Output at 1KHz 5CM/sec.: 1 mV
Recommended Tracking Force: 1.5 - 1.9 g
Stylus Type: E
Inductance: 30 mH
Resistance: 72 ohms
Compliance CUs: 20
Stylus Replacement F=Factory: F
Mounting: S

Weight: 10 g

Color: wood


"Without question, this is the finest moving iron design I have ever heard!"
"The Statement consistently did a fine job of reproducing detail, and it was able to do so during both loud and complex passages."
"Sounds were located precisely within the soundstage and stayed in place with neither wander of placement, nor diffusion of image. The overall character was both open and airy."
"The nuance of how a string was plucked or bowed was readily obvious. The lower frequencies enriched the sound with a sense of space, and provided the forceful drive to the pace of the musical Statement."
"What truly impressed me was the recreation of the harp: with all to many cartridges, it either loses its identify or is lost almost entirely. The Statement did a great job in bringing it out, thanks to its clarity and resolution of detail."
Ultimate Audio / Jack English Vol.4, No.1

"I have stayed until the wee hours of the night using two state of the at systems and in every case LP reproduction was an unqualified joy."
Silvio Fernandez / Audio Consultant

"Listening to my Grado Statement cartridge through the PH-1 is like listening to a live performance, it puts you right there."
Mark Rivera / Saxophonist with the Billy Joel Band

"The texture, detail and accuracy of the Statement exceed my wildest dreams. I can hear significant differences in bass control. Mids are sooo sweet and the highs are magnificently delivered with timbre and transparency like no other has ever delivered."
Todd Green / The Vinyl Junkie

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Producator: Produs:
Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA
Produs GRADO
Doza Pick-up MC, REFERINTA
The Statement2
Descriere GRADO, unul dintre cele mai celebre si ravnite brand-uri din lume, este prezent acum si in Romania,
in PREMIERA ABSOLUTA, datorita parteneriatului exclusiv cu STEREO PLANET.
Considerat unul dintre cei mai buni producatori mondiali de doze, de catre specialistii si revistele din
domeniu, GRADO va intra cu siguranta in sufletul Dvs.
Specificatii Technical Specifications
Frequency Response: 8 - 70
Principal: MI
Channel Separation at 1KHz: 45 dB
Imput Load: 47K
Output at 1KHz 5CM/sec.: 1 mV
Recommended Tracking Force: 1.5 - 1.9 g
Stylus Type: E
Inductance: 30 mH
Resistance: 72 ohms
Compliance CUs: 20
Stylus Replacement F=Factory: F
Mounting: S

Weight: 10 g

Color: wood


"Without question, this is the finest moving iron design I have ever heard!"
"The Statement consistently did a fine job of reproducing detail, and it was able to do so during both loud and complex passages."
"Sounds were located precisely within the soundstage and stayed in place with neither wander of placement, nor diffusion of image. The overall character was both open and airy."
"The nuance of how a string was plucked or bowed was readily obvious. The lower frequencies enriched the sound with a sense of space, and provided the forceful drive to the pace of the musical Statement."
"What truly impressed me was the recreation of the harp: with all to many cartridges, it either loses its identify or is lost almost entirely. The Statement did a great job in bringing it out, thanks to its clarity and resolution of detail."
Ultimate Audio / Jack English Vol.4, No.1

"I have stayed until the wee hours of the night using two state of the at systems and in every case LP reproduction was an unqualified joy."
Silvio Fernandez / Audio Consultant

"Listening to my Grado Statement cartridge through the PH-1 is like listening to a live performance, it puts you right there."
Mark Rivera / Saxophonist with the Billy Joel Band

"The texture, detail and accuracy of the Statement exceed my wildest dreams. I can hear significant differences in bass control. Mids are sooo sweet and the highs are magnificently delivered with timbre and transparency like no other has ever delivered."
Todd Green / The Vinyl Junkie

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Preţ: 14,999.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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