Isolation Platform (Optimizata pentru Pick-up), High-End



Isolation Platform (Optimizata pentru Pick-up), High-End

Made in U.S.A. BEST BUY
3,599.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
SYMPOSIUM ACOUSTICS - Platformele si accesoriile antivibratie care au cucerit
nu doar America ci intreaga lume.
Lideri ai pietei Americane, apreciati pentru eficienta produselor si pentru design-ul
lor simplu si usor de integrat in orice sistem si casa a iubitorilor de muzica, SYMPOSIUM
vine cu toata gama de produse in Romania, printr-un brand similar la capitolul excelenta:

Fabricate in New Jersey, manual, ne vor bucura pe toti incepand cu 1 Februarie 2018.

Although Svelte Shelf's most noticeable feature is its attractive, slim design (hence the
name "Svelte," meaning slim or slender), the fact is, it's not just a shelf, but a sophisticated,
anti-resonant platform for the support of high quality audio and video components.

Placed under CD Players, DVD players, amps, preamps, speakers and more, Symposium's
Svelte Shelf will improve the performance of your system without changing its inherent tonal character.

Prior to its introduction, equivalent performance required much greater thickness and mass.
Weighing in at a mere 5/8" (1.6 cm) thickness, Svelte Shelf's design is simple, but effective.
Now, even the most vertically-space-challenged rack or stand can benefit from Symposium vibration control.

The Svelte Shelf works well on most surfaces; it can be placed flat on an existing shelf or floor,
or substituted for an existing shelf by ordering an exact size replacement.

Science and the Shelf
The Svelte Shelf is a tool for lessening the haze and imprecision which afflicts most "untreated" components.
These artifacts are caused by vibration, and their severity can vary greatly from from component
to component as well as from installation to installation.
The Svelte works by draining vibration out of the component, while at the same time providing
a less resonant surface for it to rest upon.
Its design is a special modification of time-tested "sandwich" diaphragm technology used to advance
the state of the art in loudspeaker performance.

Because of its constrained-layer design, the Svelte is non-resonant, so it will not add any colorations
or other "flavorings" to the original material- pleasant, unpleasant, or otherwise.
You'll hear more of the original performance, with all of its nuance, tonal color, and dynamics intact.
Like most Symposium products, a Svelte is not used to "sweeten" or "soften" sound or to highlight one
particular sonic range or another, but rather as a tool for the realization of a higher level of accurate sound reproduction.

Svelte Shelves will not "warm over" or "soften" sonic information, but rather will increase resolution
and detail, including important time domain information, without adding harshness, artificial bass, or "hi-fi" colorations!

About the Precision Couplers
Precision machined from super-grade 7075 aircraft alloy aluminum, Precision Couplers serve to
optimize Svelte Shelf performance if you do not have a suitable footer interface available.
When ordered with Svelte Shelves, 3 or 4 Precision Couplers can be added for a discounted price.
When do you need these?
If your component has built-in rubber or sorbothane feet (this includes feet with a layer of rubber or
sorbothane either inside or outside), best results will be realized if these types of feet are bypassed.
The Precision Coupler, at 13/16" (0.8125" or just over 2 cm) thick will be tall enough to bypass most feet,
but extremely tall feet may be bypassed with two Precision Couplers joined together (1 5/8" or 4 cm).

The Svelte PLUS
The Svelte Plus is an expanded edition of the Svelte Shelf and features a 1" thick center "heat sink" for
double the damping and isolation power of the Svelte Shelf.
If vertical space is not an issue, the Svelte Plus will provide further gains for a very moderate price increase.
Because of its modest 1.125" (2.9 cm) thickness, the Svelte Plus is also a great performer under loudspeakers
as an alternative to the Super Plus Platform.

Sveltes with Loudspeakers!
Deployed under loudspeakers, the Svelte really shines.
The most dramatic improvement is a lessening of "haze" and congestion, especially in the bass regions.
This includes greater overall clarity and "cleaner" bass performance, with faster attack and release of transients.
The Svelte achieves this by draining away and dissipating extraneous cabinet vibration, and in most cases,
its success in this arena is independent of the speaker's weight, size, or construction.
Further, the Svelte is effective across a broad spectrum of loudspeaker types and pricetags, from small
bookshelf speakers to multi-thousand dollar floorstanding towers.

Benefits with Existing Speaker Stands
If you already have speaker stands, the Svelte will improve the performance and musicality of your
speaker/stand combination when placed between the speaker's bottom and the top of the stand,
thus damping both speaker and stand.
Speakers with dedicated floor stands will benefit from the Svelte's superior energy dissipation capabilities.

The Svelte can be used successfully when placed flat on a wide variety of floor types, including
relatively firm carpets, wood, concrete, or tile surfaces - even on surfaces which are not perfectly flat,
such as on Mexican tile, or uneven floors with surface height variations.
(In general, a rule of thumb is that the harder the floor, the better your results will be) Also, Sveltes can
be used on top of speakers, in order to dissipate energy from the cabinet, when it's not possible to place
the Svelte beneath the speaker.
When using Sveltes as damping pads on top of speakers (or components, where they also are quite effective
as top dampers), make sure the platform is inverted so that the top side of the Svelte
(which has the "Symposium" logo) contacts the cabinet (or chassis if you're using them to damp a component).
When placing on top of speakers as a top damping pad, make sure that the Svelte does not protrude beyond
the front edge of the speaker's cabinet in order not to cause diffraction effects.

Interactions with critical loudspeaker placement
At only 5/8 inch (1.6 cm) thick, Sveltes cause only a minimal change in tweeter height if the original setup
did not use spikes or cones, and virtually no change at all when most spikes are removed and the Svelte
is inserted instead of spikes or cones.
And, when installed as recommended, a Svelte can actually improve low frequency loudspeaker response
smoothness by improving woofer-room coupling.

I've heard of using cones and spikes - but how can a shelf improve a speaker?
Excess mechanical energy which exists in any loudspeaker frame or cabinet intermodulates with the action
of the loudspeaker diaphragms - and this applies to all loudspeakers, including conventional dynamic cone
and dome speakers, planars, ribbons, and electrostatics.
As the cabinet or frame support shakes, it moves the actual diaphragm through its support frame- blurring
and muddying sound quality.
The Svelte Shelf reduces this mechanical energy by draining it out of the speaker's structure, and then
converting it to heat energy, and it does this much more efficiently than any cone or points can.

OK - How does it do that?
One way to envisage what's going on with Svelte Speaker Sets beneath floorstanding speakers would be
to imagine the circulating mechanical energy in a loudspeaker's cabinet or frame as analogous to the water
in a swimming pool.
Now, imagine further that the idea is to drain this "water" out of the pool as quickly as possible.
How do you do it?
Spikes are the equivalent of drilling three or four little drainage holes in the bottom of the pool, but placing a
Svelte Shelf in direct contact with the speaker's bottom is like opening up the entire bottom of the pool at once!
This dumps the water out much faster.
The large area contact of the Svelte Shelf to the speaker's bottom provides a much more efficient pathway
for vibration out of the speaker's structure, and a greater volume of unwanted spurious energy
(greater mechanical "current") can now escape much faster from your speaker's cabinet.
This lowers the level of vibration in the cabinet walls, and the speaker drivers are subject to less "shaking"
and vibration.
Thus, intermodulation distortion is reduced, and all aspects of speaker performance are improved.

A key aspect to understanding why the Sveltes (or any of our platforms) work so well under speakers is to
remember that unlike spikes, footers, or points, the platform is much better equipped to convert mechanical
energy to heat energy because of the center foam "heat sink" and constrained layers that the platform has.
Spikes and points can provide a pathway for mechanical energy, but can not dissipate it.
By contrast, the Svelte's design is an engine that dissipates mechanical energy as heat, eliminating much
of it in a harmless form.
The results are most evident in the bass regions, where there is less "haze" and "mud."
Once this low frequency noise is lessened, the rest of the frequency ranges also benefit - resulting in cleaner,
more dynamic midrange and treble, with less "glare" and harshness.
Although the Svelte Shelf can be compatible with spikes and speaker stands, stands and spikes by themselves
cannot and do not work the same way, and thus cannot accomplish the same level of results alone.

So does that mean that I can use Sveltes with my existing speaker stands or bases?
Sveltes are very beneficial when placed between the speaker and any type of speaker stand,
and will amplify the benefit of any speaker stand by providing superior damping not only to the
loudspeakerbut also to the speaker stand itself.
They even work with small computer speakers on desks.

What size should I get for my speaker?
We've found that it's best to have a Svelte that extends a little beyond the perimeter "footprint" of
your speaker.
While having a little more area gives optimum results, even Sveltes that are smaller than the footprint
of the speaker provide significant benefits.

Available Sizes
Popular sizes are 20 x 25.4 cm, 25.4 x 30.5 cm, 25.4 x 35.5 cm, 48 x 35.5 cm (standard),
48 x 46 cm (medium), 48 x 53 cm (large), 48 x 61 cm (X-large).
Top: Clear Anodized Aluminum
Weight Capacity: 150 kg when placed flat
Thickness: 1.6 cm

Dimensions: 48 x 46 cm
Weight: 3.6 kg

Color: silver
Producator: Produs:
Isolation Platform (Optimizata pentru Pick-up), High-End
Isolation Platform (Optimizata pentru Pick-up), High-End
Descriere SYMPOSIUM ACOUSTICS - Platformele si accesoriile antivibratie care au cucerit
nu doar America ci intreaga lume.
Lideri ai pietei Americane, apreciati pentru eficienta produselor si pentru design-ul
lor simplu si usor de integrat in orice sistem si casa a iubitorilor de muzica, SYMPOSIUM
vine cu toata gama de produse in Romania, printr-un brand similar la capitolul excelenta:
Specificatii Specifications
Top: Clear Anodized Aluminum
Weight Capacity: 150 kg when placed flat
Thickness: 1.6 cm

Dimensions: 48 x 46 cm
Weight: 3.6 kg

Color: silver
Preţ: 3,599.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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