Isolation Platform (Optimizata pentru Pick-up), High-End



Isolation Platform (Optimizata pentru Pick-up), High-End

Made in U.S.A. BEST BUY
4,399.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
SYMPOSIUM ACOUSTICS - Platformele si accesoriile antivibratie care au cucerit
nu doar America ci intreaga lume.
Lideri ai pietei Americane, apreciati pentru eficienta produselor si pentru design-ul
lor simplu si usor de integrat in orice sistem si casa a iubitorilor de muzica, SYMPOSIUM
vine cu toata gama de produse in Romania, printr-un brand similar la capitolul excelenta:

Fabricate in New Jersey, manual, ne vor bucura pe toti incepand cu 1 Februarie 2018.

The Segue ISO takes up where the standard Segue leaves off - by adding unique isolation
footers which correctly isolate and damp difficult vertical waves without the distortions and
compromise of the more common approaches employed by nearly all other manufacturers.

Placed under all types of analog turntables, it's not just hyperbole to state that the Segue ISO
achieves a new dimension of musical transparency in a reasonably priced solution.
The ISO achieves its goal through an innovative, effective isolation system, combined with neutral
platform damping - something you can't get with footers alone - and does away with the euphonic
resonances, colorations, dynamic restriction, and "hifi" artifacts that are the bane of isolation systems
that rely upon rubber balls, polymer layers, magnets, cones or air bags.

The Technology
The Segue ISO combines Symposium damped-layer technology with a simple yet effective
breakthrough in footer isolation to provide both low frequency isolation AND musical spectrum damping.
Usually, isolation platforms may provide one or the other function, but not both at once.
The Segue ISO is the first platform to provide both functions at an affordable price.
We guarantee that it will match or exceed the performance of most isolation platforms at up to triple its price, or more!

The LDSS Foot Isolator - Simple, yet advanced
We searched and experimented for years to find an affordable, effective method to isolate difficult
vertical waves.
While during research on the problem of isolating severe low frequency waves, we discovered and
rejected rubber balls in cups as an isolation system in the late 1990s.
Although visual tests indicated promising results, actual listening tests revealed that this method of
isolation did severe and unacceptable damage to essential aspects of sound quality.
Five years later, another company came out with this very same concept using a plastic platform
and rubber balls.
They were welcome to it; it's a terrible way to isolate high quality audio components!
Similarly, sorbothane rubber pads, polymer layers and bumpers, while inexpensive and widely used
in other "isolation" footers, platforms, and rack systems, were found to cause the same, all-too-familiar
problems of bass bloat and overhang, as did inflatable air bags. We also experimented extensively with
magnetic suspension, and while magnetic techniques have their uses (Symposium has been awarded
two U.S. patents that involve magnetic techniques), we also rejected these for isolation purposes, since
opposing-magnet suspensions exhibit markedly non-linear displacement which causes dynamic restriction
and related distortions.
The reason that magnets cause this problem is because as the opposing magnetic poles move closer and
further away from one another in response to vibration (as they would in an isolation application), the repulsion
force created by the opposing magnetic fields does not remain constant, but instead changes at an exponential,
non-linear rate.
Non-linearity problems are shared by nearly all of the above systems, and especially damage the sense of
dynamic range or "liveness" of music.
Low frequency isolation requires that the opposing, isolating forces remain as constant as possible under the
influence of vibratory waves. If they do not, a new form of distortion will be transferred to the component.
You may get rid of catastrophic footfall problems, but you will have irrevocably damaged and compromised the
musical quality that your isolated component is capable of providing.
Making things even worse is the fact that rubber and sorbothane materials block the mechanical ground pathway,
and in essence introduce a kind of "tone control" which, once in the system, marries the system to time delay distortions
which can't be compensated for by adding more tweaks.
The only way to rid yourself of time delay distortion is to remove the devices and techniques which cause it.

After more than a decade of investigation to find a solution to low frequency vertical isolation that would not
compromise sonics, the breakthrough came when we developed a precision, conical spring design internally
damped with aircell foam.
While the initial idea of a spring didn't seem very glamorous or "high tech," this is a better spring design, and one
with a superior pedigree.
The coils of precision conical stainless steel springs nest within themselves, and as they do so, exhibit linear
displacement characteristics over their entire compression range - meaning that as displacement occurs in
response to wave vibration, the amount of resistance or opposing force remains constant and linear.
This factor dramatically improves the sense of dynamics in the affected component (nothing else robs music
of life more than the restriction of quickly changing energy levels), and preserves bass integrity and transient accuracy.
In addition, special internal damping material eliminates any resonances which may be caused by the metal
material of the spring footer itself, and further damps isolation response to eliminate "ringing" or overhang.
Further, the footer's conical shape terminates to a point, emulating the drainage and damping characteristics
of cones, points, and spikes.
Taken all together, the Linear Displacement Suspension System is a deceptively simple yet effective method
of releasing sonic performance untapped in nearly all turntables, regardless of price; but it is also effective for
ANY source or active component, such as digital source players, preamplifiers, amplifiers, and more, and will
enhance their performance as well.

Component Load Matching for Low Frequency Isolation
Although the Segue ISO works well with a wide range of component weights, optimizing the weight of the
component to the ISO suspension should be observed for best results.
An ISO platform can be tailor-made for virtually any weight load upon special order, but is commonly made
available in two versions, "LD" (Light Duty), and "MD" (Medium Duty); see table below.
Best low frequency isolation effectiveness will occur with component weights that approach but are not
greater than these limits.

Setup Recommendations for Proper Results
All Symposium platforms will work best if rubber or sorbothane feet or footers are bypassed or
omitted altogether.
While these types of feet are often supplied, especially by turntable manufacturers, as a "minimum"
approach to providing some kind of isolation, rubber and sorbothane block the ability of the platform
itself to absorb and dissipate vibratory energy from the component's chassis.
Energy drainage or resonance damping is a vital aspect of vibration control, and rubber feet usually
cause unwanted, non-linear resonances which negatively affect bass and midbass definition and quality.
Further, very soft "ball type" feet represent a non-linear suspension, and the secondary suspension
resonance caused by these soft rubber footers will usually interact unfavorably with the ISO's
suspension system, and can cause even greater problems with footfall and feedback.
Further, when placed on a Segue ISO platform, such footer suspension systems become superfluous,
since the idea of a Symposium platform is for it to essentially be an extension of the component's chassis,
so that internal resonances and generated mechanical energy can be absorbed and neutrally dissipated.
Therefore, for best sonic results, always couple components (and turntables) to the top of the
Segue ISO through hard footers (such as metallic points, cones, Symposium Couplers, SuperCouplers,
Fat Padz or Rollerblocks), and not a soft or compliant one, because hard footers provide good
mechanical throughput, necessary for an effective mechanical ground circuit.
It is not usually necessary to remove the existing feet, as long as the rigid footer device contacts
the chassis or plinth directly.
Bypassing or getting rid of rubber footers altogether can often be the single most beneficial and
affordable improvement one can make to realize better sound and accounts for the success of the
basic metal equipment cone, which first appeared on the hi-fi horizon 40 years ago.

Going Further: Achieving 6 Degrees of Isolation
Used by itself, the ISO reduces or eliminates floor-borne disturbances as well as bass feedback,
but very difficult installations may benefit from more comprehensive low frequency isolation.
By adding a set of Rollerblock Jr., HDSE, or Series 2+, Rollerblocks, 6 degrees of freedom isolation
can be achieved.
The Rollerblock® system provides nearly perfect X-Y axis or lateral wave isolation, while the Segue ISO
provides Z-axis or vertical wave isolation.
This combination provides a "6 degrees of freedom" true isolation system, otherwise only available in
systems costing many thousands of dollars, and at its very affordable price, represents a cost breakthrough
in effective isolation/damping performance.
Further, dedicated active isolation platforms are not made for audio components, but rather for scientific
instruments such as electron microscopes, etc., and provide little or no damping throughout the audible
range of music, because resonance neutrality through the upper nine octaves of the audio spectrum is
irrelevant to technical instrument applications.
The Segue ISO, like all Symposium Platforms, provides the neutral, critically damped interface necessary
with any audio component, and as such, is a comprehensive solution for anyone desiring to enhance the
emotional involvement and excitement promised by the musical experience.

Weight Capacity
The Segue ISO is currently available in two versions, LD and MD.
LD or Light Duty: For turntables and components up to approximately 18 kg.
MD or Medium Duty: For turntables and components up to approximately 36 kg.

Available Sizes
Popular sizes are 48 x 35.5 cm (standard), 48 x 46 cm (medium), 48 x 53 cm (large), 48 x 61 cm (X-large).
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