Doza Pick-up MC, High-End


4D S

Doza Pick-up MC, High-End

Premiera absoluta
Made in Japan BEST BUY
16,999.00 RON (TVA inclus) Compara
ZYX - nascuti pentru a se bucura de prezent si viitor, adevarati maestri ai sunetului analog.
Telul ZYX este de a realiza pe deplin potentialul de redare analog, care este singurul mediu
care ne da un semnal axa timp continuu (Z).

Dozele ZYX au un sunet natural ce curge intr-o ambianta sonora tridimensionala de viata,
asemenea unor siruri de diamante si perle.

ZYX insistă asupra coerentei timpului (Z), amplitudinii (Y) si frecventei (X).

Japonezii maestri ai sunetului analog vin in Romania impreuna cu Ianuarie 2015.

The factors that can be documented as data of an audio component such as frequency response and distortion characteristics
are only two dimensions i.e. frequency (x) and level (y), whereas a sound is structured by three dimentional factors including time (z).
Then a question comes how the time (z) response is presented in an audio equipment.
I have found that exactly the time factor Z is very important to represent playback sound quality.
Analog recording that contains the same continuously sequential Z information as the sound in natural world is essential in real sound
playback as known, and makes it possible to reproduce sounds that are natural and clear, three dimensional image oriented, and sensitive and wide range.

ZYX MC phono cartridges are designed and built with this important central factor Z, and unparalleled in the world they enable
time response being even over the entire range.
Resultant gains are equal sound quality on both left and right channels, flat sound balance, and clear stereo sound field, as widely accepted by users.

Further, ZYX 4D model has come out with newly added features each of which is upgraded for better sound image orientation,
clearer outline expression, purer stereophonic sound field, and more realistic acoustic space so that you will recognize again the
amazing sound information of analog playback.
Not exaggeratedly, the Model 4D has four dimensional factors that realize reproducing new three dimensional music whenever,
wherever and repeatedly, going beyond time and space.

2 Layer Laminate Armatures
An armature which is the frame whereon generator coil is wound is a key part as the center of all mechanical vibration in generator system.
It simultaneously affects electrically an audio signal from coil output and quality of reproduced sound.
For reproduction over wide range, it is indispensable to reduce numbers of coil turns and equivalent moving mass in vibration system,
and to cover resultant drop in output voltage a high-permeability metal having 6 times more efficiency than an empty core is generally used as armature material.
On the other hand, however, a metal armature generates induced eddy-current over armature surface and disturbs the flow of audio signal
generated by a coil. Induced eddy-current is extremely minute so it might have been considered least influential, but we should not neglect its
influence now that we aim higher quality of sound level.
ZYX has succeeded in taking the most effective measures to vanish this eddy current into 4D for the first time.
We made the armature structure have double layers, facing each other with opposite polarity, namely one laminate to face N-polarity and
the other S- forming mutually reversed phase positions in order to short-circuit and simultaneously dissolve both eddy-currents generated in each armature.

As the result, double layer armatures showed immeasurable effect and are presenting new world of sound we never experienced before.
For sure, you will sense animate sounds which are beyond those mechanically reproduced on every count such as vocal, piano, violin,
and every other musical tones in texture, dynamism, too realistic noiseless sound feeling.
This is what reproduction of original sound means.

Super High Speed Reproduction Engine (magnetic circuit)
ZYX 4D is employed with the super high speed reproduction magnetic circuit which was first introduced in the world.
This circuit is specially processed to null magnetic resistance within magnetic gap, and enables high speed power generation against
signals over entire bandwidth straightly without time delay.
Even higher harmonics elements that determine the texture of each musical instrument can be simultaneously reproduced, and delivers
quite smooth, natural, dynamic and realistic sound.

Semi-Skeleton Body
Any phono cartridge aiming higher sound quality should never show body resonance, which feedbacks to vibrate generator system
that has to be kept statically.
To be free of body resonance, 4D has introduced for the first time in the world a semi-skeleton body without side panels that are most apt to
produce resonance.
It is basically pillar structured like Parthenon, to be one of the factors of clear sound without inter-modulation.


X - Copper

S - Silver

G - Gold

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Technical Specifications
Moving Coil (Dynamic)
"REAL STEREO" Generator System

Cryogenic Treatment: Temperature: -196 ℃ (-320°F)

Output Voltage: 0.24mV (3.54cm/sec, 1kHz)
Frequency Response ±1dB:
10 Hz - 100 kHz
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Channel Separation: > 30dB (1kHz)
Channel Balance: < 0.5dB (1kHz)

Recommended Tracking Force: 2.0 g (20 ゜C - 25 ゜C)
Tracking Force Range: 1.7 g - 3.0 g
Trackablity: > 60μm

EQ Compliance:
horizontal 15 x 10-6cm/dyne
vertical 12 x 10-6cm/dyne
Internal Impedance: 4.0 Ω
Load Impedance: > 100Ω

Coil Wire:
X type - 6N Crystal Copper φ.035mm/CRYO
S type - 5N Silver φ 0.035mm/CRYO
G type - 24 Gold φ0.035mm/CRYO

Cantilever Material: Boron solid φ 0.30mm
Stylus: Micro-Ridge Solid Diamond □ 0.07mm
Contact Radius, Life Time: 3μm x 60μm, 2000Hour/2.0gm
Output Terminals: φ1.25mm gold plated (EIA)
Terminal Board: Glass Epoxy Plate

Weight: 4.0 g

Color: Transparent

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Producator: Produs:
Doza Pick-up MC, High-End
Produs ZYX
Doza Pick-up MC, High-End
4D S
Descriere ZYX - nascuti pentru a se bucura de prezent si viitor, adevarati maestri ai sunetului analog.
Telul ZYX este de a realiza pe deplin potentialul de redare analog, care este singurul mediu
care ne da un semnal axa timp continuu (Z).
Specificatii Technical Specifications
Moving Coil (Dynamic)
"REAL STEREO" Generator System

Cryogenic Treatment: Temperature: -196 ℃ (-320°F)

Output Voltage: 0.24mV (3.54cm/sec, 1kHz)
Frequency Response ±1dB:
10 Hz - 100 kHz
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Channel Separation: > 30dB (1kHz)
Channel Balance: < 0.5dB (1kHz)

Recommended Tracking Force: 2.0 g (20 ゜C - 25 ゜C)
Tracking Force Range: 1.7 g - 3.0 g
Trackablity: > 60μm

EQ Compliance:
horizontal 15 x 10-6cm/dyne
vertical 12 x 10-6cm/dyne
Internal Impedance: 4.0 Ω
Load Impedance: > 100Ω

Coil Wire:
X type - 6N Crystal Copper φ.035mm/CRYO
S type - 5N Silver φ 0.035mm/CRYO
G type - 24 Gold φ0.035mm/CRYO

Cantilever Material: Boron solid φ 0.30mm
Stylus: Micro-Ridge Solid Diamond □ 0.07mm
Contact Radius, Life Time: 3μm x 60μm, 2000Hour/2.0gm
Output Terminals: φ1.25mm gold plated (EIA)
Terminal Board: Glass Epoxy Plate

Weight: 4.0 g

Color: Transparent

Doza cumparata de Dvs. poate atinge parametrii sai maximi de exploatare / folosire,
NUMAI in cazul in care intreg lantul audio pe care il folositi permite acest lucru.
In acest sens, producator si vanzatorul acestei doze NU isi asuma nicio raspundere
in cazul in care Pre-Amplificatorul de Doza pe care il folositi, Amplificatorul pe care il
folositi sau Boxele pe care le folositi limiteaza in orice fel frecventa de raspuns a Dozei
sau alti parametri de functionare sau / si utilizare ai acesteia, fie ca este vorba de presetari
din fabrica ale acelor produse, de limitari automate in scopul autoprotectiei acelor produse
sau modificari ori setari efectuate manual de catre utilizatorul final al acestor produse ce fac
parte din intreg lantul audio folosit de catre acesta.
Preţ: 16,999.00 RON (TVA inclus)
Disponibilitate Disponibil
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